Monday, November 26, 2007

Que Pasa?

I wore my new H&M skirt today. I really do love it. Finally, a pretty long black skirt to add to my wardrobe. I have a few questions that were brought up in various classes today which really sparked my interest and intrigue. The first of which was brought up during my movement anamysis class where we were being given some background information of Rudolph Laban. He believe that movement is intentional and human beings move to satisfy needs. Jesse was definitely contesting it and there was a little debate between Michael and him. I do think that Laban probably could have worded his statement a little more clearly to emphasise that it is the effort that he is concerned about. That as opposed to animals, we humans move with an intent coupled with the capacity to perform an action in a spectrum of ways and energy levels. I believe that Laban was trying to say that both human beings and animals move with intention and with the purpose of satisfying one's needs, but humna beings are superior to animals because we are able to choose the way in which we approach the task of for instance, picking up a water bottle. And this idea is known as 'humane effort', effort which we force ourselves to put into performing an action, a characteristic that is absent in animals. Instead, they have very strong instinctual natures.

The other question which really piqued my curiosity and got my brain kind of whirling was are movies like the colosseum? In terms of feeding entertainment to the masses through violent scenes and action. It was brought up by a kid in my Psychology class and my goodness, I actually do think it makes a lot of sense. After all, the colosseum did serve to entertain and maybe even brianwash to a certain extent, the public. And isnt that what movies are all about right now? The violent and graphic ones about brainless and far-fetched situations of course. Hence, the question of whether violence in movies today affect the minds and thought processes of the younger audiences and influence them to do criminal things still stands and is very relevant. I truly see the purpose of the colosseum and all that had happened in it being to warn its spectators of challenging the government and so doesnt that have a really strong influential nature? My conclusion is that movies today, indeed are the replacement of the activities that had gone on in the colosseum.

Just some food for thought.

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