Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It's Always Pleasant in Chicago

Oh being in the beautiful, scenic city of Chicago was just what the doctor ordered. It was the nest weekend I had had in a while. Spending quality time with a friend from back home, exploring new terrain and biking for hours on a chilly, though sun-drenched day...The pier was so picturesque and taking a photo of it did it no justice whatsoever, though we didn't stop trying, of course. The multiple jumping pictures we attempted at taking captured the whole feel of the trip- reminiscent of childhood and adolescence. We swung on swings in end, belted out songs as we biked along, devoured unhealthy cuisine and never had a care in the world. It truly was a trip I had needed in a while.

Love you bean.

Pictures will be uploaded soon.

1 comment:

Debs said...


i noticed the "its always pleasant in chicago" NICE.

bean & yong in vegas